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AOPVP-ZONE3 update

2023-8-17 16:15| 查看: 1136| 评论: 0
摘要: Patch Notes: Update 1:1)NPC*Spawned missing NPC's for main quests*Added OG starter weapons to the Shopkeeper and when creating a new Character, meaning dual weapon without Finesse is possible again*Ad ...
Patch Notes: Update 1:

*Spawned missing NPC's for main quests
*Added OG starter weapons to the Shopkeeper and when creating a new Character, meaning dual weapon without Finesse is possible again
*Added Master's Love to Pet Expert

*AOPVP3 Starter Box - added Liquid Soap
*Removed selling price from multiple items
*Learning the ropes cannot be deleted anymore
*Lvl 1Angel Honor Badge - added Col and Manf Speed

3)Crafting Rates
*Level 150-200 has been reduced from 5% to 3%

4)Daily Events
*Due to the unfixable for now bug that let's players open chests without being teleporter Swindle World has been removed
*Swindle has been replaced with Faction Showdown
*Winning Lucky Bag for dailies has adjusted droprates and amount so that players get more Coins compared to before
*Dailies Coin are now tradeable

5)Dailies Clerk
*Added Superwing
*Adjusted Price for 260 Gear and Enhance items due to the new obtainable amounts

*Reduced Manufacture Time needed to craft an item

7)Gear Clerk
*Added Weapon exchange for the Learning the ropes Item
*Added Producer Fashions

8)Angel Arena
*Increased amount of Angel Medals obtained





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